Sunday, May 17, 2009

Emu Oil

Okay everyone, I am still trying to find the best all natural oil for my hair and through my research I have found Emu Oil. I actually read about email oil while I was researching natural products to put into my hair. I knew about Emu Oil, but did not know where to get it locally. Well, it just so happened that I was in the Whole Wheatery (A store that has a plethora of all natural products, food, supplements etc.) out in Lancaster, CA. And while I was in the supplement isle I just so happened to see a bottle of pure Emu Oil. At around 13.95 for 1fl oz, i just had to have it. Trust me I plan to use it wisely. Here is a little information:

Emu oil is almost 100% triglyceride in nature which makes it an almost completely neutral lipid. Researchers feel that the reason that it penetrates human skin so readily is that it has a total lack of phospholipids. Human skin is phospholipid deficient which means that there is no phosphorus in human skin. Anything put on human skin and scalp that has phosphorus in it will not penetrate because skin is programmed to keep such penetration from happening. Conversely, anything such as emu oil that is phospholipid deficient, i.e. has no phosphorus, will penetrate right in and take with it any medicinal materials added to it. Even on its own without added materials emu oil has amazing hair growth properties.

Properties of Emu Oil

The most important property of emu oil has already been mentioned. It is highly penetrating. This ability to penetrate the stratum corneum barrier of the skin, brought about by the high levels of oleic acid mentioned earlier, has in it the basis for many new uses in the future. Emu oil could be combined with various medicinals or cosmetic materials to take them beneath this barrier and could do it relatively more cheaply and as effectively as the costly liposomes and iontophorisis now available. At the present time, physicians in Australia specializing in hair growth are using emu oil for this penetrating ability because it gets into the scalp and enhances the potency of topical medications, in addition to making them last lasts longer.

I have decided to make up my own concoction of Emu oil mixed with Biotin, MSM and Saw Palmetto. Let's see how this added remedy will work.