Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Supplements I Use For Hair Growth

Here is a list of vitamins that I have been using for the reconciliation with "Promise". You have to nourish from the inside out. My research has showed that Saw Palmetto, Pygeum and Beta Siosterol are synergistic. My mission is to combine effective supplements, all natural hair products and no chemical coloring, (Only authentic henna from Lush.com), to boost my hair health, because "Promise" has been sick for a long time.

Hair, Skin and Nails Vitamin (Vitamin World)
MSM 1,500 mg(Walmart)
Nettle Extract 1,500 (Vitamin World)
Saw Palmetto 900 mg (Walmart)
Pygeum 200 mg (Vitamin World)
Beta Sitosterol 725 mg (vitacost.com)
Collagen (Walmart)
Gelatin (Walmart)
Spirulina Powder (Vitamin World)
Chlorella (Vitamin World)

The Big-C

The pic is me at a wedding with my hair, it looked pretty cute. It's not very clear one, but you can see my hair is short. This pic was taken a week after my Big-C.

Monday May 4,2009 I finally I chopped off the straight- damaged hair. Deciding to let go of the old dysfunctional relationship that I had with her, "I named her Promise", and start fresh. It's about 2-2 1/2 inches of soft, coily glorious curls. I asked myself, as I ran my hair through my liberated mane, "Why did you take so long to let go of the old, and embrace the new?". I guess it's like any dysfunctional relationship, you know you need to let it go, but you have come so accustomed to it, you just are too afraid to cut your losses and move on. I guess it's fear, fear of the unknown. But "Promise" has assured me that everything will be okay and I believe her because she has never lied to me before.